Sunday, April 24, 2011

South Park - "The F Word"

In the episode of South Park titled "The F Word," an ontological postmodernism critique to homophobia is evident. In this episode, the whole storyline is based around the use of the word "fag." In our society, "fag" has a negative connotation referencing homosexuals and is considered not politically correct. However, in this episode the characters use it casually, calling the motorcycle riders who are portrayed as very masculine, "fags." They argue that they are not calling them that because they think they are homosexuals, but rather the word can have many different meanings. Ontological postmodernism is shown through this episode because there is not one correct or right meaning of the word "fag;" it can be a derogatory term for homosexuals or the complete opposite, in this case a word used to describe hyper-masculine motorcyclists. The term is loosely used to mean many things, so there is no one or true meaning for it. This exemplifies ontological postmodernism.

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