Sunday, March 20, 2011

Quiz 6: Post 2

In this video, a certain construction of whiteness as well as a certain construction of blackness is represented. Neither are particularly positive. The white guy is the ultimate white- a white supremacist and a member of the KKK. He is "nerdy", appearing thin and somewhat awkward with glasses (that he, in the beginning of the video, even wears over his KKK attire). Blackness is displayed in a similar, over exaggerated manner. Literally ever black the white guy encounters is

1. Working in a low paying job that requires no education

2. Or extremely angry, showing signifiers of masculinity. Specifically, black masculinity.

However, it is the last moments in the video that are the most pivotal. The white guy is at a gas station, at night, surrounded by all black men. Stereotypically, someone in his position would be scared. But instead the man approaches all the black men and ask them for gas. By the white guy, the "dominant", asking the subordinate for gas while in a KKK costume, he is using his power to insult and degrade the black men. He even refers to one of the black men as "Tyrone." Overall, even though the film appears to be fake, it only promotes negative stereotypes of both black people and white people.

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