Sunday, February 6, 2011

Quiz 3 Question 1

I found an article titled "5 Ridiculous Fast Food Creations That Never Should Have Been Invented". This article goes over how fast food is now a science, not merely a typical food anymore. This article discusses this issue from both a political economy approach and a cultural studies approach. It is defiantly more critical of the political economy approach, saying we do not eat healthy because fats food is manipulated with tons of artificial ingredients that do not belong together. "It's hard to know which is worse, the Uno Chicago Grill Lobster BLT Thin Crust Pizza, which throws so many things together that simply do not belong on the same plate (for a total of 1,530 calories) or the Lasagna Sandwich from the UK's Tesco". The companies do this because it is a competing market to draw in customers, but as they are coming up with more original ideas, which is smart form the economical standpoint, they are loosing the actual health value of the food, turning it into something that should not even be consumed. The media advertises to us what looks delicious and as Americans, we are raised to think so because we cannot escape the media, it is around us everywhere, and they know how to catch our eye and the right moment to do so. In turn, we will purchase their product. Economically smart, ethically, not so much.

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