Sunday, April 24, 2011

The "F" Word

South Parks episode, "The F Word," displays ontology of postmodernism by critiquing homosexuals, but particularly the term "fag". The word fag is a derragatory term used to classify homosexuals in society. In the South Park episode, the kids use the term to describe the "bikers". They are fed up with their loud and obnoxious hyper masculine antiques and use the term fag to classify the bikers. In the episode, they are not calling the bikers homosexuals, they are using the term fag to show that their are multiple usages of the word. Ontological postmodernism is present in this epsiode in relation to the term fag. The episode shows that their are multiple meanings for the word, it just depends in which context you are using it. By removing the negative connotation in which we are conditioned to associate the term with, they remove the meaning of the word and it becomes just another classification for another group of people.

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